📌 Notice: We are closed, on annual leave, from July 5th – 21st  2024.
Dr Joh and I will be checking emails intermittently but we will not be taking appointments. We reopen the w/c July 22nd 2024. 📌

📌 Notice: We are closed, on annual leave, from July 5th – 21st  2024.
Dr Joh and I will be checking emails intermittently but we will not be taking appointments. We reopen the w/c July 22nd 2024. 📌

MCA Courses

Dr Joh has decided that despite her love for teaching, that due to the logistical challenges of teaching alongside the functions of the medical practice, that Club de Mar Medical will no longer offer the 4 MCA approved training courses.

The courses affected are: EFA – Elementary First Aid
MFA – Medical First Aid
MC – Medical Care on Board Ship
UMC – Update Medical Care on Board Ship

Individual and Bespoke Courses

Dr Joh and Club de Mar Medical will continue to offer the individual courses both in the practice, onboard yachts, at private fincas in both Mallorca and beyond.

Training on Likely issues that could arise
Issues with elderly guests
Accidents and Emergencies with Crew and Guests
The Use of the Medical Kit
Scenario practice
Pediatric Courses
Courses for families and parents including emergencies in the home

We look forward to the future and to adapting to new requirements of us.

We take this opportunity to thank everyone who has ever participated in a training course with us, it was a pleasure to work with you all and to welcome you to Club de Mar Medical.

With our sincere thanks

Dr Joh Clark